Franklin Five

Let us not love with words or tongue but with actions and in truth. 1 John 3:18

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

A Little Update

School has been off to a good start.  Both of the boys seem to really like their teachers and have made friends in their classes.  Graham is in Grade Two and Wesley is in Senior Kindergarten.  So, Lidiyanna has mommy all to herself while the boys are at school.  I think she is rather enjoying this.  Below is a picture of us doing very "girly things"...tea parties and baby dolls.  Tomorrow she'll start a gymnastics class.

The week before school started, the boys participated in a four-day art camp.  They had a blast and got very messy.  Maybe the messy part was why they had so much fun.  They studied abstract art and got to do some serious splatter paint.  Here they are with some of their creations.