Sometimes Mommy and Daddy are proud of me for being daring and taking risks, but other times, my adventuresome spirit gives them high blood pressure. Last night was one of those times. I was running at full speed pushing my dump truck on the sidewalk and fell chipping one of my front teeth. I cut my lip so there was lots of blood which really scared Mommy. We went to the dentist today, and he said I'll have to come back in a month for him to check on my tooth. At that point, he'll know best how to fix it. He said he can put something on it so it'll look like a normal tooth. Right now, Daddy says I look like a hill billy with my chipped tooth.
Mommy was very proud of me for how I sat still during the X-ray and while the dentist looked in my mouth. She was afraid I was not going to let him look at my teeth, but I proved her wrong. The dentist was very nice and had lots of neat things to look at in his office. When I go back in a month, I'll also have my teeth cleaned for the first time. I think it will be a fun place to visit so maybe this little accident was a good thing. Well, Mommy and Daddy probably wouldn't say that, but I think you should make lemonade out of lemons.
Don't worry...this little incident hasn't slowed me down any. Daddy says we have a new rule: the dump truck can only be pushed on the grass. I don't really like that rule because it just doesn't go as fast that way. He says that's exactly the point.
Mommy will try to take a picture of my hill billy smile sometime before my next dentist appointment so you can see for yourself.