Franklin Five

Let us not love with words or tongue but with actions and in truth. 1 John 3:18

Monday, July 20, 2009

First of all, I'm sorry I have not posted any new pictures recently. Our camera is dead because it fell in a creek. Well, actually I feel in the creek and the camera was in my bag. After I picked myself and my bag up, I realized the bag was completely saturated. Needless to say, our camera no longer works. Bummer!

I do want to tell you about the amazing VBS that is going on this week at my church. It is like no other VBS I've been a part of. The setting for the entire week is Rome several years after Jesus' crucifixion. The adults and children all wear costumes reflecting that time period, and all of the activities from the dramas, music, crafts and games go along with the theme.

We are learning about Paul and the persecuted church. Today, we talked about how Paul remained hopeful and full of joy despite his hardships. He had a gift which could not be taken from him. A gift of everlasting life and God's love.

A very meaningful time for me was when my family group participated in the "underground church". We entered the dimly lite, intimate setting with hushed voices. A simple melody played on a guitar filled the air. As we began to worship together, I thought about how Christians all over the world worship in this way today. They meet in secret and in fear that their time together might be interrupted by a hostile visitor seeking to break up their peaceful meeting. I realized how often I take for granted the privilege we have to worship in the way we desire. The freedom to meet with fellow believers is one we should not take lightly.

The words of a song we sang today continue to echo through my mind tonight. "They will know we are Christians by our love..."

Is it evident to others that I am a believer in Christ because of the way I love them? Do others see the way I love my children and feel certain I am a Christian? Do they look at the way Tim and I interact and know we follow Someone much greater than ourselves?

1 comment:

Anne Rodgers said...

did I ever tell you how much i loved this post!? Great words. Reminds me of a point that one of the pastors spoke. His question of the day lately is: Did I love what Jesus loves today?

love to you and yours!