Franklin Five

Let us not love with words or tongue but with actions and in truth. 1 John 3:18

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Happy Father's Day (a little late)

About a month ago, when I was making my list of why I love Tim for our anniversary, I asked Graham to tell me some reasons why he loves his daddy. This is what he said:

1. He's sweet.
2. He let's me help him wash cars.
3. He plays with me.
4. He takes me to the pool and dries me off.
5. He takes me camping.
6. He makes me special treats and popcorn.
7. He tickles and wrestles with me. I like it.
8. He lets me wake him up when he's in bed.
9. He covers me up with my blanket every night after I'm asleep.
10. He tells me he loves me every night.
"I love him very, very in the whole wide world."

We all love Tim around this house. I'm so thankful for the kind of daddy he is. He models Christ to our children.

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