Franklin Five

Let us not love with words or tongue but with actions and in truth. 1 John 3:18

Wednesday, October 07, 2009

When I need to be reminded...

Today has been a long day, and I'm tired. It's days like these that I doubt. Should we really bring another child into our home? Am I really prepared to parent a child who has been born in another country?

It's days like these that I cry out to God and ask Him to remind me, to reassure me, to give me affirmation. He always does! When I ask Him, He is quick to answer and tell me our daughter is waiting for us. If it were not for His gentle hand leading me, I would have given up months ago.

Tonight, after I prayed that familiar prayer, I checked our Adoption Fellowship Group's blog and found this video. It was just what I needed to be reminded to press on, to not let fear stop me, and to not give up. Our daughter is waiting for us. And so are many other children. They are waiting for others who are willing to open their hearts and give them a home.

Pause the music on my blog, and scroll down at the bottom of this page to see the video.


Kimba said...

What an awesome video! God is so good to give you gentle reminders and to keep your eyes on Him! I am so excited to see what God has in store for you and your family. I met your sister-in-law at church the other day! I think we are going to get together on Monday!

votemom said...

prepare yourself: once you go there, and have a child from there, you WILL leave a giant chunk of your heart there and you will never be the same. and it will always ache a little.... even on the happiest of days.

even so - i'm so excited for you, your boys, and your D2B (daughter2be).... all of you will be changed forever in the best possible way. praying even now for her adoption into HIS family!!

KT said...

what a wonderful video
it will be worth it!
can't wait to meet your daughter:)

Sondra Adair said...

Jo, I may have already sent you this website, but just in case I haven't.....

Amy and David McDurham from FBCArlington have adopted a little girl from Addis Abba. I believe they went through Buckners, but I think you'll enjoy their pictures and thoughts, and I KNOW they'd love to hear from you.
Love, Sondra