Franklin Five

Let us not love with words or tongue but with actions and in truth. 1 John 3:18

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Sleeping in my new bed

I took my first nap in my new bed today. Mommy and Daddy are very proud of me, and I feel pretty proud, too. At first, I wanted to get out of bed and play with my toys. I did this for a little while until Mommy came in and said I had to stay in bed. She told me if I stayed in bed, she would leave the door open. I wanted it to stay open, so I stayed in bed. Guess what happened...I fell asleep! When I woke up (earlier than I usually do), I was a little scared. Tonight, I went right to sleep in my new bed. Mommy is curious to see if I wake up extra early tomorrow. Mommy will keep you updated, I'm sure.


Perpy said...

Oh, Graham, I'm SO proud of you--such a big boy! Your daddy was much older than you when he slept in his big boy bed for the first time so you are beating him!! I hope you sleep all night long and don't wake up until 8 AM tomorrow morning!!!

I love you,

Jonathan said...

Great job, little buddy-I mean, big buddy! Don't be scared-your mom will still come get you if you need her.
