Franklin Five

Let us not love with words or tongue but with actions and in truth. 1 John 3:18

Monday, October 04, 2010

Lots of Love from the Big Brothers

Graham and Lidiyanna after a cool, Fall walk in the evening

Wesley and Lidiyanna reading books together in the nursery

Lidiyanna has now been with us at home for over two weeks, and yet, it seems like she's always been a part of our family. It almost is difficult to remember what it was like to not have her with us. She is adjusting really well to her new home. The boys continue to love spending time with her. I've noticed she seems to light up in recognition when she sees our faces. I love walking into her room in the mornings after she wakes up. When she sees me, she gets a big smile on her face and starts kicking her legs excitedly. I think she knows I'm her mama, and it feels good.
As I was putting Lidiyanna to bed tonight, I held her little face to mine and thought about her first mama who never had the opportunity to know this precious child. I've heard once you adopt, you have a bittersweet place in your heart that never quite goes away. I now know the feeling-the bitterness of loss and the sweetness of new life swirled together. It's a taste that will forever linger on my tongue. At the beginning of this journey, I questioned whether I really wanted to enter into this struggle-forever being filled with joy and sadness at the same time. Now, I know it is completely worth it. And it gives me just a glimpse of what Christ did for us.
As a friend on our trip to Ethiopia described it, Christ left His home of bliss and willingly entered into our fallen world taking on all of our pain. This friend and his wife were adopting a child that was HIV positive. They willingly entered into their daughter's pain so that they could love her and give her hope and a new life. Her pain became their pain. As I pondered on their sacrifice, I was amazed at the ultimate sacrifice our Savior made for us.
As the months turn into years, I wonder if the sweetness will overpower the bitterness. I am certain, my heart will always be filled with joy as I look at my daughter. Yet, I know I will never forget how her life began, and I don't want to.

1 comment:

KT said...

you are so right, it is ours to carry for them, to share with them in their sufferings later when they know more and understand more.they may not be all emotional, but, it is their story that we hold and we should grieve for them and pray and hold these precious thoughts captive and taken to the Lord for them. Good for you! I HATE hearing people say, well, they're here now and kinda think their life is erased from it's beginning of hardship. They are here, but they came from somewhere and that somewhere is bitter sweet. I will never forget barbara haynes saying "we can't savor what we won't taste"
I don't know if it is her quote or of someone else, but is rings true! O taste and see that the Lord is good! That tasting is bittersweet when we consider the cross and glory. May Jesus shine brightly as you parent and love this beautiful child! I am so happy that you two chose this path and can't wait to get together and hear all of God's goodness.